Takab Silver Waveless Travertine

This stone is an extremely appealing and modern option for the interior and exterior walls of the building because of its sleek modern color, adequate color contrast, and polished surface. It can be used in a complementary or integrated way. The cheapest travertine sorts, which are ideal for the building`s back facade, are the lower quality sorts of this stone.

SKU: STR129 Category:

$14 per square meter

Last price update at: October 20, 2024
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One of the most popular porous building stones with a silver and gray color is Takab silver waveless travertine. Both polished and leathered sorts of travertine stone are produced in tile sizes, and each has a unique appearance and use. This stone is also available in a variety of sorts and a range of quality.

When compared to travertine stones from another quarry in Iran, Takab travertine has, by far, the greatest range of color and pattern elements. There is a wide range of colors in these stones, including white, cream, silver, gray, chocolate, and date, as well as wavy, non-wave, and halo patterns.

Features Of Takab Silver Waveless Travertine

The following can be listed as qualities of this type of travertine stone:

  • Due to the resin substance covering the pores in this stone, it is resistant to cold and heat and won’t break or crumble.
  • One advantage of this stone is that it insulates relatively well from heat and sound.
  • Dust and air pollution won’t have a big influence on it because of its dark and gray color.
  • This stone is among the most often used stones for interior decorating because of its silver and gray color.
  • The lower quality sorts of travertine are regarded as the cheapest sorts due to the wide diversity of sorts and prices.

Application Of Takab Silver Waveless Travertine

Travertine stones are utilized both inside and outside‌ of a building, even though they are typically used on the exterior.

The following are some of the uses of Takab Silver Waveless Travertine:

  • Stone facade that is often mixed with lighter stones
  • Interior walls of the building
  • Residential, commercial, and office buildings’ staircase walls
  • Floor stone of office buildings
  • Stone wall and interior parts of buildings

Quarry Of Takab Silver Waveless Travertine

The Takab travertine stone is thought to originate in both Hamedan and West Azerbaijan. The location of Takab near Hamedan and West Azerbaijan is the cause of this. This stone is thought to be a part of both West Azarbaijan and Hamedan because it is found in a region of Takab close to the village of Agh Bolagh which is a part of Hamedan as well.

All about Travertine Stone
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