Khorram darre granite is extracted from several quarries, each of which has its color spectrum. This granite stone is available in dark brown, golden, and light gray in the market. Khorram darre granite is processed in the form of polished, flammed, cubic, and stone curbs. This type of granite does not have many grades and its weak sorts have black spots which are called lumps.
Some features of Khorram darre granite stone
Among the features of Khoram darre granite, the following can be mentioned:
- The absorption of water and iron is lower than the stones of Natanz (Mashhad) And Nehbandan.
- This stone is resistant to cold, heat, impact, and pressure and it has moderate polishability.
- Installing this stone in the facade with mortar is not suitable due to its high weight and lack of adhesion, because after a short time, the stone may come out of its installation and fall which can make possible life risks and financial problems.
Applications of Khorram darre granite stone
Khorram darre granite stone is available in tile, slab (cabinet top), and desired dimensions. This stone is used in all interior parts of the building including walls, parking floor, staircase and stair stone and exterior parts of the building, paving of the area, sidewalks, and stone curb. The main use of this granite stone is in outdoor paving and in places that are exposed to a lot of traffic (as grooved form).
Affecting factors on the price of Khorram darre granite stone
The price of Khorram darre granite stone depends on the following factors:
- Grading of stone (color-uniformity-no lumps of stone)
- Dimensions and Thickness
- Its processing quality (polish-cut)
- Requested size
Khorram darre granite stone quarries are located in Zanjan province, Khorram darre city.
- Good abrasion resistance and good compressive strength
- Low water absorption
- High polishability
Weak points
- Lack of thermal and sound insulation
- Relatively high weight
is the cubic size of this stone suitable for paving the villa yard?
مدیر –
yes it is