Persian Scato Crystal Marble

Persian Scato crystal marble belongs to the stone family of Aligoudarz crystal marble stone. It features coarse gray streaks, great polishability, high density, perfect resistance, and low water absorption. This stone is resistant to various weather conditions. It’s an appropriate choice for kitchen countertops, floor, and wall stones.

SKU: SMR166 Categories: ,

$22$46 per square meter

Last price update at: December 22, 2024
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The Persian Scato crystal marble stone features streaks of black or dark gray on a white-gray background. This stone’s surface exhibits a wide variety of streaks. Some slabs have coarser streaks, while others have a more subtle appearance. It belongs to the Aligoudarz crystal marble stone family but has thicker gray streaks compared to the Bianco Aligoudarz crystal marble. Because it resembles the Italian Arbuscato stone, it is named the Persian Scato stone.

Features Of Persian Scato Crystal Marble Stone

  • Polished surface (creating a chic appearance)
  • High density and resistance
  • Exquisite pattern
  • Low water absorption
  • Resistance to various weather conditions and sunlight

Application Of Persian Scato Crystal Marble Stone

  • You can use Persian Scato crystal marble slab stone on kitchen countertops, the floors of reception halls, and the lobbies of buildings and hotels to enhance the appearance of your space.
  • It can also be used as wall and floor stone in bathrooms, lobbies, restaurants, and buildings in tile sizes.

Aligoudarz Crystal Marble Quarry

This stone is extracted from the quarries in Aligoudarz city, which is located in Lorestan province.

All about Crystal Marble Stone
Stone Family



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