Abadeh Waveless Marble

It is one of the most popular, best-selling, and widely used stones from ancient times until now. Affordable and famous stone among modern designers and architects, especially for mass construction. It has a shiny surface with a halo color, without long and distinctive streaks.

SKU: smr125-1-1 Category:

$8$11 per square meter

Last price update at: November 13, 2024
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Abadeh Waveless Marble is one of the three types of Abadeh marble with features such as beautiful colors and designs and reasonable prices. These stones usually have a cream and pink background in which pink-cream and cotton-flower color waves can be seen.

Some Features Of Abadeh Waveless Marble

  • The use of this product in facades, exterior walls, and outdoors is not recommended due to gradual erosion.
  • Epoxy and resin have been used to strengthen this type of stone and increase its gloss.
  • Using this type of stone in combination with a variety of lighter colors (cream or white such as Crema Marfil Marble ) creates a beautiful view.
  • This type of stone can be used in stairs, lobbies, corridors, and flooring of interior spaces.

Abade Marble on staircase wall Abade cream marble on staircase wall stone Abade Marble On Stairs Abade Marble on Stairs And Wall

Size of the Abade Marble Stone

Abadeh waveless marble

This stone is a proper choice for interior spaces because of its reasonable price, the reflection of light, and its colors. Most of these stones are produced in 40 cm width or 40 length tiles.

Maintenance of Marble Stone

Also, using strong detergents ( such as Vitex – Hydrochloric acid and acidic substances ) to clean this type of stone is not recommended. It is better to polish the surface of this stone at least once every four years with a sanding machine.

Abadeh quarry in Fars province in Iran has various sorts of stones. They often have different colors and textures. They are sold under multiple names (pink cream – wavy – waveless) in the stone market.

All about Marble stone
Stone Family

Color Palette

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Surface Finish





2 reviews for Abadeh Waveless Marble
  1. Ahmet

    Is it suitable for outdoor wall with ceiling?

    • سنگ وزین


  2. mariah

    What kind of stone do you recommend for humid weather?

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