Dornika Marble

It is one of the quality stones of Dehbid’s mine with the same unique features. The difference between this type is the faded green halos in it. According to the taste of somebody, it is more beautiful than Dehbid Shayan. what is your opinion?

It is in the form of tiles in 60 and 80 dimensions and creates a beautiful effect on the floor of the interior building.

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Last price update at: January 18, 2024
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Dornika marble is a stone with a cream color theme and faded turquoise color. This stone is in the category of Dehbid stones, which is one of the best types of marble. The apparent difference between this stone and Dehbid Shayan is in the halos and green cotton flowers. It can be said that this stone, due to its bright and warm color, can compensate for the inherent cold of the stone and make its surroundings warm.

Features Of Dornika Marble

  • The special cream color of this stone with the combination of green (turquoise) halos has created a natural and beautiful effect that you will not find in any other stone like it.
  • One of the most prominent features of this stone is its transparency and proper abrasion resistance.
  • This stone has a low water absorption percentage, which increases the life of the stone.
  • Dornika marble is available in 80 by 80 cm dimensions.

Application of Dornika marble

  • Due to its beautiful appearance and light color, Dernika stone is one of the first options to use in the floor stone of office, residential, commercial, and hotel lobbies, which gives a beautiful and luxurious appearance to the environment.
  • Used as a stair stone to luxury environments.
  • Another application of this stone is used for lobby, corridor, and stair wall stones, which make the environment brighter due to the reflection of light.
  • This stone is used as an elevator frame.

Dornika stone prices

Numerous factors affect the cost of stone, including thickness, dimensions, required area, and quality of the stone. In terms of quality, keep in mind that the more uniform and polished the stone looks, the higher the quality and the higher the price. On the other hand, processing methods such as surface finish, cutting accuracy and resin, affect the quality of the stone.


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